The common trouble that most Indians face is locating an address. Reaching the right address is one of the major concerns. There are many a complication that are faced while looking for an address in India. For everyday services, the people living there depend on the service providers to locate their homes. Addressing this has been quite an issue to find solutions for.
Incorrect addresses not only waste precious time and create obstacles but also impacts the nation economically. A huge chunk of the population’s address is not located on the maps as they are known by their neighborhood’s local names. When such names and addresses are translated into another language, the address is of course messed up which as a result leads the parcels to be misplaced. Such parcels and documents also include valuable data that needs to be kept safe and secure. It in return increases the delivery pressure and additional work so they can be delivered to the right addresses.
In times of wide raise in Covid-19 cases in India, people were advised to quarantine their homes. The checking team for the patients in quarantine reports that over 23,000 people have provided incorrect address information. A thorough inspection was done to make sure that the Covid-19 precautions were being taken. The health squad faced huge obstacles in tracking the covid patients. A lot of time and effort went to waste while trying to sustain order in the country all due to inaccurate addressing.
Maps cannot precisely locate most of the locations due to improper addresses. For example, if you add a landmark in your address such as ‘near XYZ building or school’ it limits the respective to a smaller scale and can be found in the approx. 5 sq. km. Still, the vendor will have to locate the house near that landmark which can take up to an hour and is a total waste of time. This also impacts the residents to let go of basic necessary services which they can avail themselves of by sitting at home. The emergency services may not reach on time at crucial moments. The department is highly affected by incorrect addressing in India of Logistics. After passing through tons of offices or godowns, if it does not reach the customer, it is only a waste of time and money.
All these problems can be stopped by converting locations all over the country into digital addresses. Since the services like Myloc are introduced, a large number of people have registered their addresses digitally. By undergoing a minute process, you can pin your address on the World wide web to locate your accurate location. Myloc also offers you to provide a unique name to your location which will be shown as a landmark on the maps. It converts your address into a shareable address and all the problems related to finding the location are resolved.
Create a Sharable Location Pin with Myloc
Myloc provides you the benefit to share your location with anyone at any time for free. No more hustling to guide the delivery workers or other people to your home address. All you have to do is simply text your pin address or the unique name under which you have named your house, and the other person can simply search for it on the maps and get directions to your house! For delivery purposes, you can add your Myloc pin such as “MyLoc.in/your_custom_name” and that will be your delivery address. It saves time and makes finding locations simpler than ever!
Why Myloc when Google Maps Tell You the Address?
There is a technical question here. You are at the office and a delivery person asks you to send the map location of your home to him so that he can reach you quickly. What would you do? You would probably go to Google Maps and type your home address. Google Maps are rarely able to track the exact location it will tell the street name and the nearby location. This may be cumbersome for the delivery man to locate your home. With Myloc this problem is not at all there. You can save your home or office or any address with a personalized name and share the same when anyone asks for it. This is precisely the reason why you need myloc irrespective of the fact that you have Google Maps. Try it out and we are sure you would get addicted to it.